We’ve pulled together a wealth of resources about native trees over the years, you’ll find most of it on our Trees That Count site. From learning about particular native trees through to all the info you need to know on planting natives.
Our Fact Sheets below are useful resources for schools or community groups with quick facts about the pōhutukawa and rātā species.
‘Crimson Trails‘ highlight the best and most beautiful trails of pōhutukawa or rātā in your region. Print one off and let us take you on a guided tour to see these beautiful examples of New Zealand’s much loved trees.
Crimson Trails
Our Crimson Trails highlight ‘the best and the most beautiful’ of the wonderful walks, hikes, and drives throughout New Zealand leading locals and visitors to some of the most stunning pōhutukawa and rātās in their region.
Project Crimson has spent years researching pohutukawa and rata. For copies of the below research papers please email our Conservation Manager, Caroline Wallace.
- A Reassessment of Pohutukawa Health Ten Years On – 2000
- Conservation of Pohutukawa: Possums and Canopy Damage – 1989
- Conservation of Pohutukawa Regional Assessment – 1989
- Reference Stand Characterisation – 1991
- Effect of possum control on northern rata in Tararua Forest 2001
- Pohutukawa – Holding it all Together
Project Crimson produced New Zealand’s first bibliography of pohutukawa and rata trees, compiled by Tauranga-based librarian Stephanie Smith.
The database in this bibliography contains references to more than 450 publications and articles, including an annotated listing of 76 books.