Our Projects

Trees That Count

Launched in November 2016, Trees That Count is a national campaign that aims to bring together business, community and everyday Kiwis to help plant millions more native trees.

Flagship projects

Our fundamental objective is to increase native tree planting in New Zealand to enhance our unique biodiversity, by connecting funders and financial capital to planters throughout the country to [...]


TREEmendous first sprung from the ground in 2008. With TREEmendous sponsor the Mazda Foundation we worked with 53 schools from the top of the North Island to the bottom of the South to create [...]

Living Legends

Project Crimson managed the Living Legends project which was set up in 2011 to celebrate and leave a legacy of New Zealand’s hosting of Rugby World Cup. Over 3 years, 170,000 native trees were [...]

Crimson Trails

Our Crimson Trails highlight ‘the best and the most beautiful’ of the wonderful walks, hikes, and drives throughout New Zealand leading locals and visitors to some of the most stunning pohutukawa [...]

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